Monday, 8 February 2010

'It's always better where the Tories are!'

I find myself here again in the same position, the same clothes and the same state of mind as yesterday/earlier. However, although I had a somewhat unproductive day considering I have stayed up all night, I did manage to get myself to Waterstone's (and Primark!) to purchase Mary Wollstonecraft's
Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792). It is a bit of a shame, really, that in all my years as an avid reader I have yet to complete that book. BUT, this week will be my time to shhhhiine! It is the first of its kind and she was the single most important figure in progressing the rights of women, although it is arguable that not that much has changed.Wollstonecraft argued women's 'complexity' set them back as they were emotionally needy but strived for independence, and I find this is still true today. Women must be equal players to men in the workforce and home if they want equal treatment and respect. I think we have a long way to go. I respect Wollstonecrafts position, placing blame on females for enabling men to think of them are the 'fairer sex' and allowing subordination to occur in both the thoughts of men as well as treatment by dressing like an utter tramp. This is not liberating for women, it is a massive step back because women become a slave to the fashion/cosmetic industry that preys upon their vulnerability and assists in men's view that women are sexual objects/things, therefore subhuman.

My reading list is stacked high with Vindication being number one (I have an essay to do on it), Thatcher's Statecraft number two and finally Halldór Laxness's Independent People. [Am listening to Thatcher's Iron Lady speech as am typing..... she is such a badassbitch!]

I will leave you with some E.E. Cummings because he is a man that is always good for the soul and stimulates the mind:

someones married their everyones
laughed their cryings and did their dance

(sleep wake hope and then)they

said their nevers they slept their dream

Signing off whilst sitting on the dock of the bay..... wasting time & resting my bones!
Analytical frameworks tomorrow, bllleeeaaahhhhh.

ATTN: Maria wheres my Diet Coke?

Goodbye world!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in that the cosmetic and fashion industry has practically enslaved people and instilled a false sense of what beauty is in girls. Progress would be to change that fundamental aspect of our society where the mainstream values outer beauty and trendiness over inner beauty, uniqueness and character.

    Interesting stuff Selma. Miss you :)
