American politics is so intense, it is comparable to a soap opera. The recent issues have been President Obama's religion, the point of his citizenship has been coming up again which is fueled by Republican propaganda and middle-America's overwhelming (and scary) prejudices and ignorance, as well as the NYC mosque issue.

My stance on the "mosque issue" is that it is not an issue. It should not be politicized, it should be a local issue within the neighborhood of where it is meant to be constructed, as if any shop was opening up on that block. It is pure, blatant intolerance to say people 'fear' the mosque, that it is a 'slap in the face for American's', and saying if the Saudi's do not allow churches then Americans should not allow mosque's is a disgusting statement. As with any other issue, the Republican party (sponsored by Fox news) stirs the pot and makes things into 'dividing American problems' all whilst fueling hatred. The Arizona immigration problem is another point in case where racist language ('wetbacks') is used by people 'defending their Americanism'. If being an American means being ignorant, rude, intolerant and afraid then the country has lost the fundamental purpose, and meaning of its establishment.
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